var ignorepost=0; function ignoreDoublePost() { if (ignorepost == 0) { ignorepost++; return true; } else { return false; } } function generic_submit() { if (ignoreDoublePost()) { document.forms[0].submit(); return true; } else { alert("Working... one moment please."); //return false; } } // used in supervisorfix_content.jsp w/ 3 form tags thus ...[2] function dde_submit() { if (ignoreDoublePost()) { document.forms[2].submit(); return true; } else { alert("Working... one moment please."); return false; } } function required_submit() { if (reqFields()) { return generic_submit(); } return false; } function CRSubmit(e) { var keyChar = String.fromCharCode(e.which); if (keyChar == 'CR') generic_submit(); else null; return true; } function EnterKeySubmit(e){ var x = e || window.event; var key = (x.keyCode || x.which); if(key == 13 || key == 3){ generic_submit(); } } function submitSurvey(form1) { if (ignoreDoublePost()) { ignorepost = 0; if (valCheckboxes(form1)) { //function to have user confirm if they'd like to submit their survey if (!(confirm("Please click OK to confirm that you would like to submit the survey. Please note that once the survey is submitted you will not be able to change any of your answers."))) { return false; } form1.submit(); return true; } } } function breakLoop() { if (ignoreDoublePost()) { //alert('This will break out of the loop and go to the next page'); document.dynamForm.action.value = 'break'; document.dynamForm.submit(); } } function saveAndVal() { if (ignoreDoublePost()) { //alert('This specifies that the user is saving and validating'); document.dynamForm.action.value = 'saveandval'; document.dynamForm.submit(); } } function saveOnly() { if (ignoreDoublePost()) { //alert('This specifies that the user is just saving'); document.dynamForm.action.value = 'save'; document.dynamForm.submit(); } } function viewOnly() { if (ignoreDoublePost()) { //alert('This specifies that the user is just viewing'); document.dynamForm.action.value = 'view'; document.dynamForm.submit(); } } // for loop pages only - check if fields are not empty then save function loopSaveAndValNext() { if (ignoreDoublePost()) { if (areFieldsEmpty()) { //alert('Please enter data before pressing "Add Another Answer"!'); document.dynamForm.action.value = 'nextloop'; } else { //alert('Loop saving and validating'); document.dynamForm.action.value = 'saveandvalnext'; } document.dynamForm.submit(); } } function loopSaveAndValPrevious() { if (ignoreDoublePost()) { if (areFieldsEmpty()) { //alert('Please enter data before pressing "Add Another Answer"!'); document.dynamForm.action.value = 'previousloop'; } else { //alert('Loop saving and validating'); document.dynamForm.action.value = 'saveandvalprev'; } document.dynamForm.submit(); } } function loopSaveAndValAndAddNew() { if (ignoreDoublePost()) { if (areFieldsEmpty()) { alert('Please enter data before pressing "Add Another Answer"!'); ignorepost=0; } else { //alert('Loop saving and validating'); document.dynamForm.action.value = 'savevaladdnew'; document.dynamForm.submit(); } } } function loopSaveAndValAndBreak() { if (ignoreDoublePost()) { if (areFieldsEmpty()) { //alert('Loop break'); document.dynamForm.action.value = 'break'; } else { //alert('Loop saving and validating'); document.dynamForm.action.value = 'saveandbreak'; } document.dynamForm.submit(); } } function MM_submit_act(act) { document.quesWizForm.action.value = act; document.quesWizForm.submit(); } function submit_form_act(frm, act) { var action = act; var form = frm; eval('document.' + form + '.action.value=\'' + action + '\'' ); eval('document.' + form + '.submit()'); return true; } function generic_submit_form(frm) { var form = frm; if (ignoreDoublePost()) { eval('document.' + form + '.submit()'); return true; } else { alert("Saving data... one moment please."); return false; } } function generic_submit_form2(frm, act) { var form = frm; var action = act; //alert(form + ", action " + action); if (ignoreDoublePost()) { eval('document.' + form + '.action.value=\'' + action + '\'' ); eval('document.' + form + '.submit()'); return true; } else { alert("Saving data... one moment please."); return false; } } function delete_column(frm, act,heading) { var form = frm; eval('document.' + form + '.heading.value=\'' + heading + '\'' ); submit_form_act(frm, act); } function delete_row(frm, act,question) { var form = frm; eval('document.' + form + '.question.value=\'' + question + '\'' ); submit_form_act(frm, act); } function move_row(frm, act,question) { var form = frm; eval('document.' + form + '.question.value=\'' + question + '\'' ); submit_form_act(frm, act); } function move_option(frm, act,option) { var form = frm; eval('document.' + form + '.fv.value=\'' + option + '\'' ); submit_form_act(frm, act); } function delete_option(frm, act,option) { var form = frm; eval('document.' + form + '.fv.value=\'' + option + '\'' ); submit_form_act(frm, act); } function enterLogin(e) { var key; if(window.event) { // for IE, e.keyCode or window.event.keyCode can be used key = event.keyCode; } else if(e.which) { // netscape key = e.which; } if(key == 13) { generic_submit(); } } var logincheck=0; function NoBlankCheck() { //alert("NoBlankCheck"); if (logincheck == 0) { var id = document.forms[0].username.value; var pwd = document.forms[0].password.value; if (id == "" || pwd == "") { alert("Login ID and Password must be entered!"); return false; } logincheck++; return true; } else { alert("Login in progress...Please wait!"); return false; } } //used in vertical_navtree.jsp var highLightedObj; function findAtagObject(id) { var divAry = document.getElementsByTagName("a"); var divLen=divAry.length; //alert(divLen); for(j=0;j